Guest Edit w/ Robbie Pitts
q&a with photos captured by ted min
25 november 2020

Robbie Pitts with his Nanna May Honour Pitts
Style King Robbie Pitts is a rockstar rollerblader, artist and model extraordinaire! His personal flair is eye catching as are his legendary slick licks on the blades. He is a filmmaker working behind and in front of the lens, recently he featured in a Gucci film. Born and raised in OZ, Robbie now lives in LA... times being what they are though, he has returned to his hometown Melbourne. While he’s here we nabbed Robbie to guest edit some of our latest looks. Shot by Ted Min, Robbie rocks it! The shoot also features his beautiful Nanna, May Honour. Check him out pulling cool shapes at his Nan’s house in the burbs. Cheers Robbie!

Robbie wears our Jardin Dream Pj Shirt and Linen Shorts
What got you into blading?
I watched Heartbreak High as a kid—saw Bolton & Drazic, and fell in love!

Robbie wears our Freedom Dreams Silk Shirt and Del Patchwork Leggings
What inspires you to keep pushing your art and the physicality of your expression? Coz it seems to just ooze out of your very being...
Trusting my instincts of curiosity so that I lie beyond the fringe of my comforts usually reveals the most rewarding results.

Where did your far out cosmic sense of style come from?
A dream of making my Future the Past I never had.

Robbie wears our 1999 bodysuit
How do you stay connected to your roots / family when you travel and are far away for big chunks of the year?
Texts & Video Calls are fab but I like to wear things which were gifted to me—spiritually that keeps them close to me!

Robbie in matching Del Patchwork set
How has your beautiful Nan May Honour inspired you?
By continually being herself—one of the strongest women I know, who at 91 is still mobile and looking ever so graceful!

Are there Any pearls of wisdom you can share from your Nan May Honour’s treasure chest? What would you pass on that she has taught you to live by?
Nan would always dress to the nines whenever she’d leave the house, so visually that translated to:
be the image of yourself that you want to see in the world, and as a result you will always feel your best.

Robbie wearing our Obelia Linen Shirt and Shorts with his Nanna with our Del Silk Scarf